The relationship between service quality, client satisfaction, perceived value and client loyalty: a case study of Fly Emirates


  • Ashraf Jahmani Al Falah University. Dubai. UAE
  • Islam Bourini Al Falah University. Dubai. UAE
  • Omar A. Jawabreh The University of Jordan. Jordan
Keywords: Satisfaction; service quality; perceived value; client loyalty; airlines


Client loyalty is one of the biggest challenges for the airline industry and marketers are seeking information on how to build client loyalty. This study will explore the relationship between service quality, client satisfaction, perceived value and client loyalty in the airline industry. The purpose of this study is to develop and implement a method for airline to identify attributes that will increase client loyalty. 384 respondents participate in this study and questionnaires were distributed randomly to passengers traveling by Emirates. In particularly a deductive approach adapted to collect specific quantitative information to accept or reject the hypothesis. Current study applies Structural Equation Modeling SEM-PLS to investigate the relationship among the constructs in proposed model. This study found that service quality has appositive relationship on passengers’ satisfaction and client loyalty and negative relationship on perceived value and client loyalty. The results of this study indicated that service quality and passenger's satisfaction are important factors effect of client loyalty. In conclusion Emirates must be able to understand the importance of service quality and passenger's satisfaction to fulfill the client loyalty and improve the service quality that make most significant in airline industry.


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How to Cite
Jahmani, A. ., Bourini, I., & Jawabreh, O. A. . (2020). The relationship between service quality, client satisfaction, perceived value and client loyalty: a case study of Fly Emirates. Cuadernos de Turismo, (45), 219–238.