PCA, Chaid and PLS-SEM Analysis on the satisfaction of visitors of Protected Natural Spaces. Application to the National Park of Aigüestortes in Lleida


  • Rosa M Florensa Guiu Universidad de Lleida
  • Antonio Colom Gorgues Universidad de Lleida
  • María Teresa Maza Rubio Universidad de Zaragoza
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/turismo.426081
Keywords: Protected Natural Spaces (PNS); satisfaction of visitors; PCA; CHAID; PLS-SEM; ecotourism


The satisfaction of PNS visitors is influenced by quantitative and qualitative variables that must be identified and analyzed for optimization. The object of this work is to analyze them in the public use of the ENP, in application to the National Park of Aigüestortes.
The explanatory variables have been studied with the Principal Components Analysis, the Chi-square Automatic Interactions Detection and the PLS-SEM, to assess their influence and explanation of the satisfaction and loyalty of the ecotourist visitor.
A great reflection of the measurable variables, global value, recommendations and satisfaction through the people, is shown in the dependent variable Global Satisfaction of the Visitor.


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How to Cite
Florensa Guiu, R. M., Colom Gorgues, A., & Maza Rubio, M. T. . (2020). PCA, Chaid and PLS-SEM Analysis on the satisfaction of visitors of Protected Natural Spaces. Application to the National Park of Aigüestortes in Lleida. Cuadernos de Turismo, (45), 167–195. https://doi.org/10.6018/turismo.426081