Atmospheric contamination and its impact on tourist activities, in Madrid


  • María Sotelo Pérez Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Madrid
  • José Antonio Sotelo Navalpotro Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Atmospheric pollution, environmental impacts, tourist activities


Air pollution characterized by the presence in the atmosphere of one or several pollutants such as gases, fumes or dust, impact directly and indirectly on human health and on flora and fauna -as well as in the development of its activities- of such a wide, varied and diverse territory as the Community of Madrid, what is presented as a potential risk factor, mainly, for activities as sensitive as those related to tourism. Therefore, when dealing with such a complex issue, at the same time as diverse, such as anthropic risks, in relation to tourism activities, the existence of an equally important problem such as the lack of real knowledge of the latent and present risks in each of the municipalities that make up the Community of Madrid, in addition to having a considerable impact on the exposure of the population to risks for which it lacks information.


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How to Cite
Sotelo Pérez, M., & Sotelo Navalpotro, J. A. . (2019). Atmospheric contamination and its impact on tourist activities, in Madrid. Cuadernos de Turismo, 1(44), 381–411.