The psychosocial load capacity of the tourist: instrument of measurement for the sustainable development in the touristification of the cenotes


  • Rocío Blanco Gregory Universidad de Extremadura
  • Fernando Enseñat Soberanis Universidad de Quintana Roo
  • Johnathan Alexander Mondragón Mejía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Perception of crowd, Sustainable Tourism, Psychosocial load capacity, Tourist massification, Cenote.


The psychosocial load capacity has proven to be an effective instrument to establish maximum numbers of people that a tourist is willing to see simultaneously in natural spaces. Although, it has been widely applied in national parks in the USA, this indicator has not been used in confined natural spaces such as the cenotes of the Yucatan Peninsula. This research applies this indicator generating results that can be used for sustainable management of these spaces.


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How to Cite
Blanco Gregory, R., Enseñat Soberanis, F., & Mondragón Mejía, J. A. . (2019). The psychosocial load capacity of the tourist: instrument of measurement for the sustainable development in the touristification of the cenotes. Cuadernos de Turismo, (43), 169–186.