What’s a tourism resource? A Delphi analysis to the Hispanic academia


  • Ruben Arnandis-i-Agramunt Universitat de València
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/turismo.43.02
Keywords: resource, tourism resource, tourism attraction, attraction, adaptation to use.


After more than fifty years of looking into people's movement due to leisure purposes, and therefore arguing the development of equipment, infrastructures, and facilities, implementing policies and tourism planning, evaluating programs and actions, the raw material of tourism, which justifies the existence of the previous elements, has not still reached an agreement among researchers. This investigation, which demonstrates the previous evidence after a wide bibliographical review, set up a Delphi among twenty-five Hispanic researchers whose works are directly related to this matter. The aim was to seek areas of common ground, regarding the concept of resource and its relationship to tourism, in order to articulate a proposal to identify the key elements of a tourism resource. Results (after two rounds, a questionnaire with thirty-four statements found in literature, and a Likert 1–5 scale) have revealed a high level of agreement (towards consensus or dissent), in most assessed aspects of the three dimensions. These findings shed light on some points of discussion. Nevertheless, discrepancies about the third dimension (resource and adaptation to tourism purpose) have been observed. This is thus a first approximation of what tourism resource should be considered.


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How to Cite
Arnandis-i-Agramunt, R. (2019). What’s a tourism resource? A Delphi analysis to the Hispanic academia. Cuadernos de Turismo, (43), 39–68. https://doi.org/10.6018/turismo.43.02