The concept of sustainable tourism in English for Tourism course books


  • Paloma López-Zurita Universidad de Cádiz
  • María Vázquez Amador Universidad de Cádiz
  • Mª Carmen Lario de Oñate Universidad de Cádiz
Keywords: Sustainability; English applied to Tourism; English for Specific Purposes (ESP); Teaching; Course books


2017 is the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. The current concept of tourism sustainability is increasingly linked to new trends of leisure. Course books of English for Tourism, likewise, should reflect these social changes. This article shows the content analysis of 43 textbooks used in teaching English for Tourism, published from 1992. Results verify the evolution of contents related to tourism sustainability, to become a common topic in most current course books, as well as the changes undergone in the terminology used.


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ANEXO. Manuales analizados (Orden cronológico de publicación)

1. Hostelería y restauración

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2. Turismo general

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DUBICKA, I., O’KEEFFE, M. y STRUTT, P. (2013): English for International Tourism 2. Essex, Longman.

COOK, R.A., HSU, C. J.y MARQUA, J.J. (2014): Tourism. The Business of Hospitality and Travel. Harlow, Prentice Hall.

3. Viajes aéreos

AKIYAMA, C. (1976): The Language of Air Travel in English. In flight services. Harlow, Prentice Hall.

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4. Oficina de turismo

ESHOO, P. (2005): May I help you? Training Manual for Tourist Information. Mekomg, Mekomg Tourism Development Project.

How to Cite
López-Zurita, P., Vázquez Amador, M., & Lario de Oñate, M. C. (2018). The concept of sustainable tourism in English for Tourism course books. Cuadernos de Turismo, (42), 261–284.