Collaborative quality: a new concept for tourism quality


  • Marta Candau del Cid Cimac. Consultoría de Marketing y Sistemas de Gestión de la Calidad
Keywords: Tourism quality; Tourism Marketing; Customer loyalty; Brand identity


The technology 2.0, has transformed consumers into informed individuals, content generators and sources of feedback for companies, positioning themselves as key elements to managing quality. This article analyses the positioning, visualization, communication and interaction that current Spanish tourism systems for quality management: the Q mark for quality and SICTED [Complete System for Tourism Quality in Spanish Destinations] emblem, on websites and social media (Facebook & Twitter) in the Andalusian hotel industry. This investigation shows that current tourism QMSs have ignored factors that generate value for new consumers: positioning, visibility, communication and interaction. Their processes do not include marketing strategies associated with technology 2.0, to promote their brands as references of trust. They have removed consumers from the equation, essential pieces in any new business structure. This weakness has been utilized by “Influencer marks” in order to displace QMSs as references of trust. Tourism QMSs should transition from tools of correct business management to guarantors of continual improvement that is visible, communicated, receives feedback to new consumers. QMSs must adapt to the new era of quality management, the Collaborative Quality.


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How to Cite
Candau del Cid, M. (2018). Collaborative quality: a new concept for tourism quality. Cuadernos de Turismo, (42), 47–70.