Puerto Vallarta airport: factor of national and international tourism boost


  • Erika Patricia Cárdenas Gómez
Keywords: Puerto Vallarta airport, tourism, passengers


The present article has like objective to analyze the role of the Puerto Vallarta airport as a trigger for impulse and tourism take-off this coastal municipality and its metropolitan zone. To fulfill the task is divides into three sections. The first refers to the importance or air transport for the development of tourism. The second explains the history of air transport in Puerto Vallarta. Finally, illustrated and highlights the central role of this international airport with the tourist activity of the municipality and it´s metropolitan zone.


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How to Cite
Cárdenas Gómez, E. P. (2014). Puerto Vallarta airport: factor of national and international tourism boost. Cuadernos de Turismo, (34), 53–68. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/turismo/article/view/203021