The Primitive Way to Compostela throw Asturias. Study from a touristic perspective


  • Clara Martín Duque Universidad Antonio de Nebrija
Keywords: Primitive Way to Compostela, Asturias, Way of Saint James, cultural itinerary, tourism route, tourism supply


This study aims at exploring the Primitive Way to Compostela which, despite representing the origins of St. James’ Way, it is still one of the most unknown roads. The lack of previous studies and of a well-defined methodology for its analysis makes this research a challenging attempt in the tourism research. Implementing a triangulation methodology, based on a mix of both quantitative and qualitative techniques, the tourism supply and the
interrelation between the different agents in the area of study (Asturias) were analyzed.


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How to Cite
Martín Duque, C. (2014). The Primitive Way to Compostela throw Asturias. Study from a touristic perspective. Cuadernos de Turismo, (33), 233–249. Retrieved from