This article gives account of a certain community’s way of working, emerging from putting a development device into practice at the local level, on the one hand: Strategic Planning; and the authors’ experience on the other, from the point of view of their role as external facilitators in the Tourism Axis of the Strategic Plan Gualeguaychú-PEG (tourist community located in Entre Ríos Province, Argentina). The objective of PEG has been to build together with the community a long-term localn development plan which would articulate some of the aspects of the social, cultural, political, economic and ecologic reality. The articulation among the local participants in the Tourism Axis who could work in a coordinate manner, recognize future scenarios, reinforce the present tourist-recreational resources and promote the search of new opportunities for developing local tourism has been achieved thanks to this external participation. Different participating techniques were employed among the procedures to perform the field work in the six Seminars-Workshops open to the community. A Local Technical Team of the Tourism Axis and eight Work Groups gathered for such purpose.Downloads
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