Working in the tourism sector: social inclusion and prejudices


  • Marialva Tomio Dreher Regional University of Blumenau
  • Rosinha da Silva Machado Carrion Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Ana Paula Kuczmynda da Silveira Federal Institute of Santa Catarina
Keywords: Tourism, Social Inclusion, Social responsibility, Vocational trainning, South American, Brazil


This research presents reflections on the results of an intersectoral program of social responsibility and social inclusion. The purpose of this initiative was to promote the training and inclusion, in the tourism labor market, of young people from low income families. The issue that motivated this research was: how do young people from low income families perceive and take the opportunity of having professional education and the chance to work in the touristic organizations? The article materializes an attempt of reflecting about the results of the mentioned program, confronting them with management and sociology research.


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Author Biographies

Marialva Tomio Dreher, Regional University of Blumenau

Rosinha da Silva Machado Carrion, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Ana Paula Kuczmynda da Silveira, Federal Institute of Santa Catarina

How to Cite
Tomio Dreher, M., Machado Carrion, R. da S., & Kuczmynda da Silveira, A. P. (2013). Working in the tourism sector: social inclusion and prejudices. Cuadernos de Turismo, (32), 281–294. Retrieved from