Public policies of urban regeneration and promotion of leisure, tourism and entertainment: the creation of urban tourism precincts in Manchester, England


  • André Fontan Köhler University of São Paulo
Keywords: Urban tourism precincts, Urban regeneration, Local economic development, Culture, heritage and identity


Manchester structures and promotes its central area through nine urban tourism precincts, within a broader strategy to create a new economic basis, turning it into a post-industrial centre of leisure and tourism, shopping and financial services. The aim was to understand the genesis of these precincts, as well as its use to attract tourists and in order to structure their experience in the city. It was evaluated that these precincts are a very useful way to promote Manchester, contributing to having transformed it in one of the main tourist destinations of the country.


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Author Biography

André Fontan Köhler, University of São Paulo

How to Cite
Fontan Köhler, A. (2013). Public policies of urban regeneration and promotion of leisure, tourism and entertainment: the creation of urban tourism precincts in Manchester, England. Cuadernos de Turismo, (32), 115–139. Retrieved from