The new Natural Park Sierra Norte de Guadalajara: a tourist and recreational area with high cultural and landscape heritage


  • Daniel Reinoso Moreno
  • José Sancho Comins
Keywords: rural tourism, Natural Park, Guadalajara


The recent declaration of Natural Park Sierra Norte de Guadalajara by Law 5 / 2011, published on 10 March DOCM, is the end of a long process that started more than 35 years ago when the Hayedo de Tejera Negra was declared as a Natural Site of National Interest. Throughout that period new protected areas as Natural Reserve of Pico del Lobo-Cebollera and the Fish Refuge Pelagallinas River were incorporated, whereas the Hayedo de Tejera Negra was considered as a Natural Park. On the other hand, the high natural, cultural and landscape heritage (especially the black architecture) of this large territory are tourist and recreational attractions that are more visited each day. It is clear that the new form of protection will enhance the tourism role while seeking heritage conservation.


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How to Cite
Reinoso Moreno, D., & Sancho Comins, J. (2011). The new Natural Park Sierra Norte de Guadalajara: a tourist and recreational area with high cultural and landscape heritage. Cuadernos de Turismo, (27), 811–822. Retrieved from