Forgotten railways. Restructuring and reinvention as tools of leisure and tourist revita- lization: the Baeza – Utiel railway in the province of Albacete


  • Francisco Cebrián Abellán
Keywords: rural tourism, local development, local tourist resources, tourism planning


The Alcaraz Range and the Campo de Montiel (in the province of Albacete) are getting a growing importance. Resources of environmental and historic value, as well as some others recently retrieved, have drawn attention from the authorities, rural development groups, tourists and businessmen. Different efforts have combined to show an increasing need to correct and introduce new elements which are able to improve the tourist system. The Alca- raz Rail Trail (former railway, obsolete and adapted for tourist use) has been used as an ele- ment of reference in order to set off a project of integral recovery in the region.


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How to Cite
Cebrián Abellán, F. (2011). Forgotten railways. Restructuring and reinvention as tools of leisure and tourist revita- lization: the Baeza – Utiel railway in the province of Albacete. Cuadernos de Turismo, (27), 205–225. Retrieved from