Aproximación al habla femenina del siglo XVII


  • Mª Dolores Boluda Rodríguez
Keywords: History of Language, Historical Sociolinguistics, Orality, Murcian, Historical Corpora, XVII Century


The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate, on one hand that is possible to find oral manifestations covert under the codification of written language through the analysis of certain juridical documents and, on the other to check how some sociolinguistic variables –specially the ones related to sociocultural level and sex of the witnesses- infl uence and determine such manifestations. This paper will look into fi ve lawsuits in the city of Mula (Murcia) belonging to the Marquis of Velez’s Justice and shed some light on the state of feminine live language in the XVII century.


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How to Cite
Boluda Rodríguez, M. D. (2009). Aproximación al habla femenina del siglo XVII. Journal of Linguistic Research, 12, 219–244. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/ril/article/view/91651