Neología semántica y polisemia: el caso del truncamiento


  • Marie Steffens
  • Esther Baiwir
Keywords: Semantic neology, polysemy, truncation and conversion, reference


This article aims at presenting the relations between neology and polysemy through a study of the phenomenon of truncation, which is regarded as a source of neology. To show the benefi ts of studying the two notions together, we examine Fr. un téléphone portable (‘a mobile phone’), which became un portable through truncation. The latter syntagm can refer to a phone but also to a computer or a television. We show that these multiple referents do not correspond to multiple senses (contrary to the view held by B. Bosredon). In our study of neology proceeding from truncation, we refine the notion of neology, by proposing a defi nition of a new type of neology, viz. referential neology.


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How to Cite
Steffens, M., & Baiwir, E. (2009). Neología semántica y polisemia: el caso del truncamiento. Journal of Linguistic Research, 12, 175–184. Retrieved from