Socio-stylistic study on linguistic variation in public and political speeches of six female Andalusian politicians
This research presents a socio-stylistic study on linguistic variation applied to different contexts in the speech of six female Andalusian politicians: Susana Díaz, María Jesús Montero, Carmen Calvo, María Teresa Jiménez-Becerril, María José García-Pelayo and Carolina España. We will observe whether or not the speech of these politicians presents linguistic variation, and we will determine which linguistic and extralinguistic factors shape their way of speaking. Firstly, we will examine their linguistic behaviour when they interact with standard Spanish. Secondly, we will analyze their political speeches in Andalusia. We will also consider their political affiliation and the type of discursive context. Our results show that there are linguistic variations applied to different contexts in the speech of these female politicians. Nevertheless, there still prevails a convergence towards the use of standard Spanish, despite the predominance of southern Spanish realizations in some specific linguistic phenomena.Downloads
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