Meat in the eye of the storm. Masculine identity reaffirmations and discursive polarisations on gender in the controversy over meat consumption in Spain


Keywords: meat, masculinity, critical discourse analysis, discursive polarisation on gender, Alberto Garzón, Pedro Sánchez


The article discusses the public controversy surrounding meat consumption in Spain after the campaign launched by the Spanish Minister for Consumer Affairs Alberto Garzón. The campaign was launched in 2021 under the slogan #MenosCarneMásVida (Less Meat More Life). The debate focuses on media coverage from the perspective of gender studies and, in particular, of masculinity studies. After defining some key notions for a critical discourse approach to the topic (such as hegemonic masculinity and masculinity stress) and reviewing some sociological and psychological studies that have highlighted the close relationship between meat and masculine identity, the paper proposes a critical discourse analysis, firstly, from a multimodal perspective and, secondly, from the viewpoint of reactions in the media. The article closes with some considerations on the importance of undoing the myth of masculinity in favour of new and stimulating debates about gender identity in the 21st century.


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How to Cite
Pontrandolfo, G. (2022). Meat in the eye of the storm. Masculine identity reaffirmations and discursive polarisations on gender in the controversy over meat consumption in Spain. Journal of Linguistic Research, 25, 185–214.