Framing the 26J: the discursive advertising strategy of Cs on Twitter in the 26J campaign
Supporting Agencies
- Procesos discursivos en internet: desplazamientos enunciativos y efectos hiperbólicos en el discurso político (Ref. RTI2018-093523-B-I00, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades).
This work analyzes the communicative strategy of Ciudadanos for the dissemination of their spots on Twitter during the general election campaign of July 26, 2016. The research uses quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques, these are based on the discursive model of framing by Gallardo-Paúls (2014, 2021) that we adapt here, identifying specific categories of audiovisual language. The results show, in the first place, that the use of Twitter for the diffusion of the electoral spot was very scarce. On the other hand, the fundamental argument that presides over the textual strategy of the frame was to show itself as the party of union and change. In the area of intentional strategy, we find attack formulas directed at the PP and its leader, in an attempt to take over the center-right space and the useful vote. The interactive framing was homogeneous and vindictive and as for the enunciative framing, positive expressiveness both visually and discursively was the most used.
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