Stylistic resources of humorous creation in the Spanish parliamentary debates: a rhetoric-functional classification


Keywords: humour, rhetoric, politics, parliamentary debates, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis


The functioning of humour in serious frames is an issue of relative interest to Pragmatics. This work is inscribed within this context: its aim is to classify and analyse the main stylistic resources of humorous creation used in Spanish parliamentary debates from a functional point of view. Such classification was made according with the way in which the conflict caused by the humorous frame is resolved: either by substituting one frame by another, or through the opposition of both frames. The conclusion was that humorous behaviour in Spanish parliaments tends to activate linguistic devices related with confrontation and exaggeration.


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How to Cite
Romero Nieto, A. (2021). Stylistic resources of humorous creation in the Spanish parliamentary debates: a rhetoric-functional classification. Journal of Linguistic Research, 23, 395–419.