The verbs «llamarse» and «apellidarse»: a historical and cognitive characterization


Keywords: speech verbs, reflexivity, cognitive conceptualization, bridge context


This article has as its purpose to offer a syntactic and semantic profile of the verbs llamarse and apellidarse carried out from the postulates of cognitive-functional linguistics. It i  sour intention to: (a) show how these verbs work in Spanish; (b) identify their conceptual peculiarities (which are quite remarkable within the context of European languages); and (c) explain the possible -historical and linguistic- reasons why these pronominal verbs, and not others, are used to express the Christian name and the surname in Spanish. This work provides original and the illocutionary force of language.


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How to Cite
Fernández Jaén, J. (2020). The verbs «llamarse» and «apellidarse»: a historical and cognitive characterization. Journal of Linguistic Research, 22, 95–123.