Minimizers and valuation verbs constructions in Jespersen's cycle


Keywords: minimizers, Jespersen's cycle, subjectification



This paper focuses on the diachronic evolution of constructions with minimizers and verbs of estimate and valuation, such as preciar, valer, darse and importer, from the data provided by the corpus of the RAE. These constructions are analyzed in relation to the so-called Jespersen cycle. More specifically, the minimizers are considered an example of subjectification, since there is an increasing pragmatization of the meaning due to the scalar implication that the minimizers suppose. The main functional characteristics of the minimizers in the constructions considered will also be taken into account.


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How to Cite
Cifuentes Honrubia, J. L. (2020). Minimizers and valuation verbs constructions in Jespersen’s cycle. Journal of Linguistic Research, 22, 53–94.