Humor as a Pragmatic Phenomenon in Spanish


Keywords: humor, metapragmatics, adaptability, monologue, conversation

Supporting Agencies

  • Generalitat Valenciana


The main aim of this paper is to analyze the metapragmatic ability of humor in Spanish. Taking into account that it is a pragmatic phenomenon (Ruiz Gurillo, 2006), such as metaphor or irony, this research delves into the metapragmatic abilities that promote not only its creation but also its comprehension (Ruiz Gurillo, 2016). Therefore, the speaker/writer’s perspective may be complemented with the listener/reader’s point of view. In order to illustrate these theoretical aspects, we will analyze some of the metapragmatic abilities that both comedians in monologues and speakers in conversation carry out while using humor. Firstly, a humorous genre, i.e. the monologue, will be described as a planned, public and interactional discourse. Secondly, a non-humorous genre, i.e. the spontaneous conversation, will be presented as an unplanned, private and interactive discourse. In sum, this research illustrates some contexts in which humor is used and inferenced in Spanish.


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How to Cite
Ruiz Gurillo, L. (2020). Humor as a Pragmatic Phenomenon in Spanish. Journal of Linguistic Research, 22, 183–198.