«Humanicity» as a linguistic category and functional-semantic field


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/ril.373301
Keywords: linguistics, linguoculturology, language, natural languages, natural sphere, human sphere, linguistic categories, humanicity, functional-semantic field

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad de Granada


This article proposes the existence and analyses the category of humanicity, understood as the way in which natural languages classify and express external reality in two large fields: the human sphere (which the speaker understands as belonging to human society, the area of life, customs, rituals, civilization and culture specific to human beings) and the natural sphere (the sphere of everything outwith the human community, outwith the area of influence of human civilization; that is, natural phenomena, flora and fauna in their wild, “undomesticated” or “uncivilised” state).

The functional-semantic field of humanicitywould be the set of resources of the different linguistic levels (phonetic-phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical) of a given language for configuring the reference points of reality and classifying them based on their category of humanicity(human sphere vs natural sphere). Humanicity, must therefore not be confused with well-known phenomena such as linguistic animacyor the morphosyntactic distinction between human/non-human.


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How to Cite
Vercher García, E. J. (2021). «Humanicity» as a linguistic category and functional-semantic field. Journal of Linguistic Research, 23, 421–440. https://doi.org/10.6018/ril.373301