Methods of Word ́s Formation in the Modern Vocabulary of the Fortification and the Tactic: the Nominal Derivation


  • Marta Sánchez Orense
Keywords: Militia, Renaissance, morphology, prefixation, suffixation


In this paper, we study nominal derivation mechanisms involved in the creation in the Renaissance of much of the spanish military terminology. This work has been realized from the corpus of the Diccionario de la ciencia y de la técnica del Renacimiento (DICTER), which is composed of the most influential military treatises written in spanish of that historical period, which stands out by the importance that military language acquired within the new scientific status that comes with beginning of modernity. Thus, this paper will allow us to advance the study of some formation's morphological processes of technical vocabularies. Moreover, we will achieve a greater knowledge of military lexicon during the Golden Age.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Orense, M. (2015). Methods of Word ́s Formation in the Modern Vocabulary of the Fortification and the Tactic: the Nominal Derivation. Journal of Linguistic Research, 17, 169–190. Retrieved from