Assessment of thematic progression in spontaneous conversation of right hemisphere damaged subjects


  • Maite Fernández-Urquiza
Keywords: Right Hemisphere, Conversation, Thematic Progression, Coherence, Cohesion, Superstructures, Ethnomethodology, Conversation Analysis, Pragmatics, PerLA Protocol for Pragmatic e Assessment


Discourse abilities are usually affected in right hemisphere damaged (RHD) people. Research on the conversation of subjects with RHD, in addition to being sparse, has hitherto used tasks too far removed from natural communication. Moreover, it has normally been conducted in clinical environments. These reasons make its results suspicious of being to some extent artificial. This paper focuses on pragmatic abilities affecting discourse coherence in spontaneous conversation. It analyses the interaction of 4 right hemisphere damaged speakers with their key-conversational partners in an ecological environment, in order to test the presence of difficulties pointed out by the literature. Conclusions: The slowing of thematic progression is related to an abnormal increase of the average lenght of turns. When this occurs, the subcategories of cohesive ellipsis, recurrence of contents, and digression also receive a negative assessment.


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How to Cite
Fernández-Urquiza, M. (2013). Assessment of thematic progression in spontaneous conversation of right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Linguistic Research, 16, 209–235. Retrieved from