Prepositional transitivity: the double prepositional object in Spanish


  • José Antonio Candalija Reina
Keywords: Transitivity, arguments, double prepositional object, prefix, etymology


We use the concepts of transitivity and argumentality to analyse a variety of the sintactic and semantic function that has been studied as governed prepositional object, prepositional object and supplement. We have listed some Spanish constructions in which the verb governs two prepositional complements simultaneously by means of each of its prepositions. The double prepositional goverment is determined by the argumentality of such complements and the sense of the construction. The relationship between the double prepositional complements with the transitive complements is explained by the abstract or figurative sense of these complements and their argument, which is theme. The localist hypothesis and the etymological sense of the prefix determine the presence of the preposition, so we can clasify the double prepositional complements in two groups: the join group (prefix co-) and the separation group (prefix di-).


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How to Cite
Candalija Reina, J. A. (2013). Prepositional transitivity: the double prepositional object in Spanish. Journal of Linguistic Research, 16, 177–207. Retrieved from