Sexism and language. What do discursive approaches say?


  • Milagros Fernández Pérez
Keywords: language and gender, conversational analysis, discourse pragmatics, sexism and language


Discursive and conversational contexts are the best fields in linguistic sexism to see the asymmetry between its participants. There are some symptomatic indicators of unbalanced relations of power emphasized in this work, mainly because of the predominance of some discursive practices rooted in males. Benveniste's theory of the mind highlights formal elements in enunciation that function as «marks» of the speaker's perspective in relation with the participants in terms of domination, solidarity, cooperation or manipulation. It seems important to detect these asymmetries in order to point them out and act with precaution. This way it will be possible to design rules of interaction that redefine the roles and promote changes in social representations (the so called gender ideologies).


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How to Cite
Fernández Pérez, M. (2013). Sexism and language. What do discursive approaches say?. Journal of Linguistic Research, 16, 43–60. Retrieved from