Una nueva mirada a los delocutivos


  • Eugenio M. Vigo
Keywords: quotation, delocutives, citatives, deautonyms, metonymy


This paper is an attempt to develop an alternative explanation for the formation of delocutives, i.e. lexemes that appear to be derived directly from speech and whose lexical meaning seems to refer to that original speech act. Currently, the mainstream hypothesis is that delocutives are formed via lexicalized quoted segments, but that approach contradicts recent theoretical developments on quotation. So being, in this paper I will try to show why those current ideas are incorrect and defend that delocutives are actually formed by a very specific metonymical process.


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How to Cite
Vigo, E. M. (2012). Una nueva mirada a los delocutivos. Journal of Linguistic Research, 15, 269–292. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/ril/article/view/164671