El texto, constructo-partitura sintagmático verbal en función de los espacios, las personas y los tiempos


  • Estanislao Ramón Trives
Keywords: semantics, pragmalinguistics, semiolinguistics, sociosemiotics, text linguistics


In this paper we accept that the text is a score-construction required by the always renovated inter subjective, contextual and cotextual order, that has the responsibility for the integrated orientation to the linguistic-textual meaning, which finally is conditioned by the meristic and holistic dynamics of our human condition. The linguistic entities are independent of the space, of the time and of the individual speaking in the system’s micro universe, in every dialogic or verbal behaviour.


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How to Cite
Ramón Trives, E. (2010). El texto, constructo-partitura sintagmático verbal en función de los espacios, las personas y los tiempos. Journal of Linguistic Research, 13, 156–165. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/ril/article/view/114171