Discourse and Lexical Creation: Delocutives and Decitatives in Spanish


  • Manuel Casado Velarde
Keywords: discourse, lexical creation, delocutivity, metalanguage, Spanish


This article deals with an issue that has received little attention from linguists: the impact that discourse has left and still leaves in the Spanish lexicon. I refer to nouns or verbs (such as considerando, enhorabuena, pésame, recibí, saluda; arrear, pordiosear, vitorear, among others) that, before be-ing part of the lexicon, had a previous life in discourse. I develop a general characterization of the phenomenon and I propose a classification of the different lexical creations.


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How to Cite
Casado Velarde, M. (2010). Discourse and Lexical Creation: Delocutives and Decitatives in Spanish. Journal of Linguistic Research, 13, 65–85. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/ril/article/view/114131