Reflections on the particular and the universal: Unity and diversity in social life and social theory


  • Wolfgang Streeck
Keywords: Social Integration, Institutional Change, Intermediary Institutions, Nation-Building, “Varieties of Capitalism”


How do the general and the specific, or unity and diversity, relate in social life and political practice? The essay investigates four areas of social theory that may be fruitfully explored in terms of a constitutive tension between universal and local forces: endogenous institutional change, the role of intermediary organizations in the governance of industrial relations, nation–building, and the origin of capitalist diversity.



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Author Biography

Wolfgang Streeck

Director Emérito del Max Planck

 Instituto para el Estudio de las Sociedades. Colonia, Alemania.


Krasner, S. D. (1988). Sovereignty: An Institutional Perspective. Comparative Political Studies, 21(1), 66-94. Disponible en:

Mouffe, Ch. (2000). The Democratic Paradox. London, New York: Verso.

Streeck, W. & Thelen, K. (2005). Introduction: Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies. En W. Streeck & K. Thelen (Eds.), Beyond Continuity: Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies (pp. 1-39). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

How to Cite
Streeck, W. (2023). Reflections on the particular and the universal: Unity and diversity in social life and social theory. Revista de Estudios Globales. Análisis Histórico y Cambio Social, 2(4).