The enemies of democracy
This essay aims to reexamine and in a certain way to revitalize the inexhaustible debate on the crisis of contemporary democracies. The fundamental thesis
is that theories of crisis in general and those of democracy in particular, from the classic Frankfurt theories to certain neo-Marxist and post-Keynesian currents, have underestimated the triad of capital, capitalists and market (and their virtually unlimited expansive dynamics) as socially strategic forces, while at the same time they have relied excessively on the political capacity for governability of the normative state and supranational institutions (relativizing, in passing, the tour de force that exists between both levels of government). Mainstream political science and sociology continue, as a general rule, to be paralyzed in incalculable attempts to model voter and party preferences, and to emphasize strongly the «culture wars» on the political battlefields, thereby overshadowing the contingent links and historical contradictions between the world of ideas, individual and collective sensibilities, and economic relations. This paper concludes with four general ideas that challenge the dominant political discourse; first, the malaise of democratic institutions and of democracy in general is the result of a global decadence of post-industrial societies; Second, the meteoric and ecumenical rise of extreme right-wing, chauvinist and xenophobic political parties (the rivals of liberal democracy) is not an accident of history; its archaeological origin must be sought among the remains of social ruins left in its wake by the neoliberal earthquake. Third, the conditions of instability and uncertainty of the 1970s, which began in the United States and soon spread throughout the world, created the underlying objective conditions for the subjective forces of neoliberal ideas to directly influence society as a whole. And, finally, to invoke the thinkers of the Enlightenment and particularly the body of liberal ideas to support the antisocial measures of the neoliberal regimes, ignoring, moreover, the enormous distance that separates their theoretical models from our reality is, to say the least, an anachronism and an ahistorical misrepresentation.
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