Democracy threatened. Comments from an observer
The purpose of this paper is to identify the context in which democracies develop and the causes of citizen disaffection towards them. A disaffection caused by the abandonment of the paradigm of the Welfare State and full employment, by the implementation of misguided economic and fiscal policies, by the inability to offer solutions and answers to the problems affecting citizens and democratic societies as a whole, for the failure to improve the structures and functioning of democracies without the necessary controls and in need of reform, for the failure to comply with electoral programs, for not firmly tackling the eradication of inequality, poverty and exclusion, for the unacceptable management of immigration and for corruption, including the so-called “revolving doors”. In short, a manifest disaffection on the part of many citizens who are convinced that their representatives are not concerned with improving their daily lives. This disaffection is, in turn, the cause of the emergence of new parties, political currents and independent candidates of different political persuasions with the common denominator of being considered populist by the establishment parties, which have been harmed by the Great Recession due to the application of austerity measures decreed by multilateral organizations.
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