The political theory of the radical right


  • Joan Antón-Mellón University of Barcelona
  • Ismael Seijo Boado University of Barcelona
Keywords: radical right, European New Right (ND), decadence, ethnonationalism, metapolitics


This article aims to explain the political theory of the contemporaneous radical right. To do this, their core concepts and how they have been theoretically conceptualized by their cultural referents will be studied. First, it locates radical right within the framework of the far-right, understanding its differences with the extreme right and showing its internal heterogeneity. Then, the cultural referent that have shaped the political theory of the radical right are addressed, specifically four tendencies: the European New Right (ND) of Benoist and Faye (as the main ideological matrix of the radical right), the neotraditionalism of Evola and Dugin, the alt-right of Bannon and the radicalized conservatism of Scruton and Olavo de Carvalho. Finally, the political theory of the radical right is described, marked by a decadentist diagnosis of the society, ethnonationalists objectives and metapolitical and reformist means.


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How to Cite
Antón-Mellón, J., & Seijo Boado, I. (2023). The political theory of the radical right. Revista de Estudios Globales. Análisis Histórico y Cambio Social, 2(4).