The global crisis is a crisis of civilization: a political ecology perspective


  • Víctor M. Toledo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM
Keywords: Political Ecology, Complex Thinking, Crisis Modern Civilization


Inspired by the intellectual currents of political ecology, this essay aims to shed light on the crisis of the contemporary world. The social sciences, or plain science, require a profound and urgent renewal in order to highlight the hegemonic structures of knowledge; Over-specialized studies, so common in recent decades, are barely capable of capturing fragments or pieces of reality, overlooking or ignoring the political power relations closely linked to the world they seek to study. It is clear that a radical transformation is required in all areas of social life and the first step is to accept that we are not facing a simple economic, technological or cultural change, but rather a transformation of human civilization.


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How to Cite
Toledo, V. M. . (2022). The global crisis is a crisis of civilization: a political ecology perspective. Revista de Estudios Globales. Análisis Histórico y Cambio Social, 1(2), 119–129.