Fictional migration and identities in Conchita Jurado’s proto-performances (Mexico City, 1926-1931)


  • Dubravka Mindek Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México
  • Miguel Molina-Alarcón Facultad de Bellas Artes. Universitat Politècnica de València
Keywords: Proto-performance, Concepción Jurado, Carlos Balmori, Migration and Identity


This article considers the socio-cultural meaning of the balmoreadas, a kind of heavy jokes that arise as a creative response to the privileged migration of Spaniards to postrevolutionary Mexico and whose victims were a wide range of persons. The text also reflects critically on the mutual construction of identities, these of Concepcion Jurado, a common woman of her time and the one of the fictional person she played in the completion of the balmoreadas, a rich Spanish immigrant Don Carlos Balmori who ended up eclipsing her. Finally, the article emphasizes the importance of balmoreadas as precursors of the art of action or performance art.


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How to Cite
Mindek, D., & Molina-Alarcón, M. (2018). Fictional migration and identities in Conchita Jurado’s proto-performances (Mexico City, 1926-1931). Art and Identity Policies, 17(17), 123–138.

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