Intangíveis poéticas computacionais polissêmicas


  • Tania Fraga
Keywords: computer art, immersible computer environments, virtual reality


The proliferation of computers is allowing the emergence of multi sensory environments with multiple meanings. The pervasive distribution of micro chips, actuators and sensors in objects and around the physical space gave birth to a new field of artistic researches here entitled computer art. It has been the role of artists in our society to investigate poetic languages and contents able to inhabit the vast territories opened by the development of computer technologies. Thus, it is understandable the interest artists have to explore such potential to amplify the multitude of meanings and the multi sensory possibilities of artistic languages through their contamination with computer languages. This essay weave practical concerns emerged during the last 22 years of artistic practice and research with reflexions over the potential for computer art in its relationship with sciences and its immanent connection with the participation of peoples, the interactors.


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How to Cite
Fraga, T. (2009). Intangíveis poéticas computacionais polissêmicas. Art and Identity Policies, 1, 151–184. Retrieved from