Language as resistance and emancipation: CEDUCA DH


  • Pietra Da Ros Universidade Feevale
  • Víctor Maceedo Universidade Feevale
  • Lovani Volmer Universidade Feevale
  • Laura Ribero-Rueda Universidade Feevale
Keywords: Migration, host language, community education experiences, Human Rights


In the past two decades, Brazil has experienced an intense process of emigration and immigration driven by various reasons. Among the demands arising from this migratory process, there is concern regarding the guarantees of rights and duties established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for these migrants. Considering language as an essential element to mediation between individual and culture, proficiency is a key factor for the social insertion of immigrant subjects in the place where they live, because it is from communication that individual identities are exposed and rights and duties are claimed and fulfilled. In this perspective, this study considers experiences carried out in a university community education project for refugees and immigrants to discuss the importance of Portuguese and art as allies in the promotion of reception, expression, and resistance of the subjects, also contributing to a more equitable and fair society.  The experiences reveal that the teaching-learning environment contributed to the development of emancipation and, therefore, the resistance of the participants, in addition to having helped in the search for self-expression in the new language.


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Author Biography

Laura Ribero-Rueda, Universidade Feevale

Artista visual e investigadora en el área de fotografía. Estudió Artes Visuales en su ciudad natal, Bogotá, Colombia. En el 2002 se muda para Barcelona, donde obtiene el título de Doctora en Artes y Nuevas Tecnologías por la Universitat de Barcelona. Desde el año 2014 trabaja en la Universidade Feevale, Brasil, en las áreas de Fotografía y Artes Visuales. Sus actuales intereses, como artista e investigadora, son sobre la condición de transitoriedad y la representación y percepción del migrante, del extraño, del otro.


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How to Cite
Da Ros, P., Maceedo, V., Volmer, L., & Ribero-Rueda, L. (2024). Language as resistance and emancipation: CEDUCA DH. Art and Identity Policies, 30(30), 127–142.

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