Nuevos retos para la creación de prácticas artísticas digitales identitarias en un contexto estandarizado en crisis.
The imposition of technological and business paradigms by the big players in the sector has reconfigured our daily lives and has led to the unification of methodologies and languages in various spheres. The impact of corporations on the way we work, communicate and relate to each other is reflected in artistic practices, especially digital ones.
This study, which is part of the project CONNECTED BODIES II: New processes of creation and dissemination of identity-based artistic practices in the non-presential, focuses on artistic creations that address identity and that have been shaped by these changes, as well as by the post-privacy era, where intimacy is compromised. Despite this reality, some creators have managed to transcend these circumstances and have conceived new forms of expression that reflect the innovative dynamics between the individual and the collective in the digital environment.
Through the analysis of cases, concrete examples of transformation in digital and hybrid identity art practices are presented, which explore how artists have responded to the technological and methodological challenges imposed by the large corporations. These examples constitute good examples of how digital creativity manages, even under adverse conditions, to generate new approaches to artistic creation and expression in the contemporary era.
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