Narrating the intimate in the virtual: body, space and emotions in the cultural intervention Historias propias Desde casa, by Lorena Wolffer
The pertinence of the project of virtual intervention “Historias propias Desde casa” by Lorena Wolfer, is analyzed in this article as a project of archive and feminist memory as well as the enunciative possibility as well as the position that some of the women took to project their intimacy as well as political view as testimonies of resistance in face of the confinement that the sanitary emergency of COVID-19. Taking back the narratives constructed around this project I find interest in understanding that each one of this comes from a body situated in corporealities anchored to historical context pierced by gender, social class and race, as well as the own historical moment and the pandemic. Some examples of this project are used to illustrate the reach of Wolffer’s project
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