Geopoética de la resistencia: Prácticas artísticas colaborativas y memoria iconográfica de territorios en red iberoamericana.


Keywords: arte, geolocalización, memoria, territorio, [in]visibilidades urbanas.


This text proposes to reflect on the mutations that have occurred in the context of contemporary public art and its current configurations, (MWON, 1997). Artistic practices in an Ibero-American network, especially those that emerge from situated practices - drifting and walking as fields of experimentation, perception and co-authorial production, propose iconographic and sound-visual displacements configuring a Museum of the Territory. From poetic-critical research projects focusing on gentrification processes in Spanish cities, the geopoetic context moves to the central region of the city of São Paulo, Vila Buarque, Luz and Bom Retiro, implicated with the dimensions of collective memories and imaginary Social. A timeframe is adopted for the TOCAR project, which originated in Spain towards Latin America, around the Territories of Interest for Culture and Landscape. The conception of art with which we operate in a relational perspective (BOURRIAUD, 2010) is located in the field of urban intervention with which public art, as we understand it today, articulates new aesthetic, space-time experiences, in which the art object it puts itself in a situation, together with the observer/actor, before the practice of the place, according to its specificities, giving it a critical look, social significance, political perception and historical sense (RANCIÈRE, 2010).


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Author Biography

Lilian Amaral, DIVERSITAS USP | BR

Audiovisual artist, curator and researcher in the field of Contemporary Urban Art, memory and social imaginary. Researcher DIVERSITAS USP and MediaLab UFG and Barcelona Recerca Arte y Creación | Universitat de Barcelona BR, AC. Postdoctorate in Art, Science and Technology at IA/UNESP and University of Barcelona/Spain. Postdoc in Art and Visual Culture at PPG Art and Visual Culture at UFG / Media Lab BR. Leading International and Interinstitutional Research Group HOLOSCI(U)DAD(E) - UDELAR/UY, UAN/CO, USP, UnB, UFG, UFRN/BR, UPV-Valencia|ES and UB-Barcelona/ES. Coordinator of the Intercontinental Project Women Change Museums: from equality to equity, core Brazil (Spain, Argentina and Brazil).



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How to Cite
SILVA DOS SANTOS, F. C., & Amaral, L. . (2024). Geopoética de la resistencia: Prácticas artísticas colaborativas y memoria iconográfica de territorios en red iberoamericana. Art and Identity Policies, 30(30), 74–91. Retrieved from