Identity paradigms of motor functional diversity. Art and technology in the process of change
Around people with a motor functional diversity continues to prevail in a simplistic way a stereotypical visual imaginary, and that is not always the reality, or does not represent everyone. An image limited to the wheelchair. But from technological art this contextualization can be subverted, creating resistance and showing other faces. This article aims to move away from the prevailing imaginary. The objective of this research is the analysis of the artistic practices of people with functional diversity in the motor system who use technology. This work is supported by a methodology based on arts. A study of cultural productions that allow an analysis of the situation. With this research it is concluded that the artistic practices that use technology by and for these people manage to improve the conditions of this collective by evidencing their positioning and teaching other realities, although sometimes they can reinforce the production. In addition, it also shows how this art originates several currents, those that stand out for their identity load of search and claim, those that seek an adaptation of their abilities to continue creating and those that make visible other bodies.
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