Multiculturalism and diversity in animation cinema. Creation of cultural images


  • Zaida Novoa Universidad de Granada
Keywords: multiculturalism, diversity, cinema, animation


Nowadays, many societies are connected through technology. The media and the arts have portrayed many cultures through history, revealing aspects and particularities that characterise them in different fields and spaces. Since its creation at the beginning of the s.XX, in animated cinema there are numerous examples of feature films based on mythologies, legends, stories and scenarios from both past and present cultures, using their art to create style with narrative and graphic strategies that are very representative of each one of them. It should be mentioned that, in some cases, these cultures have suffered by the hands of derogatory images that couldn’t be further from the truth. In this study, we analyse the use of cultural aspects unconnected to the original culture to produce a work for the masses, how cultural influences have defined and created others and the respect and truthfulness that are necessary to present the individuals that are part of a society.


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How to Cite
Novoa, Z. (2022). Multiculturalism and diversity in animation cinema. Creation of cultural images. Art and Identity Policies, 27(27), 137–154.