Drawing my grandmother’s stories, a search for identity through the creation of a graphic novel.
This article shows the development of a graphic novel based on rescuing memory from the life testimonies and family stories of a 90-year-old Uruguayan woman. The plot focuses on the history of women from the arrival of immigrants to Uruguay in the 19th century to the present day, going through situations of discrimination, poverty and abuse. The hypothesis defends that the life stories of an elderly person hide learning to the whole society and that their stories can be rescued from orality to be transferred to the graphic story. The intention of the work is not only to remember the past, but to make a subsequent analysis from a critical and current perspective, linking the historical events recognized by the official history, prioritizing the “emotional truth” of the story to the reproduction of true events. The methodology developed uses tools from biographical-narrative research and artistic research. The development of the work showed that integrating the accumulated wisdom of the elderly and creating narratives from it, are facts that collaborate in their dignification and develop a more positive paradigm of old age.
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