The media shelter: Intimate spaces turned into scenic, the image of a period of resilience


Keywords: Social Identity, Globalization, Mediatic Theatre, Quarantine, Contemporary Art


In a mass media world like ours, it is increasingly difficult to define the line between the other and the self. Human beings are inherently social, because the search for oneself begins on that impersonal basis provided by the gaze of others. But group feedback is not enough to acquire an identity; we also need moments of disconnection from the group to connect with ourselves, which in a hyper-connected society is a big problem, as two of the greatest human needs are brought to the fore; the need to be loved and part of a group. Social networks create new spaces for socialization, where we found a refuge during those quarantines caused by Covid-19. During a time of isolation, we had no choice but to turn our homes into other public locations. Life, in front of others, has always been a big theater. However, we bring the scenario into our homes, and we may possess countless virtual identities created as a result of cyber-performances. These concepts are reflected in contemporary artistic creation, starting from the changes caused by globalization until today, which is why we will use different examples, from photography, painting or performance, to contextualize these facts.


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How to Cite
Fernández Moncada, C. (2023). The media shelter: Intimate spaces turned into scenic, the image of a period of resilience. Art and Identity Policies, 28, 67–82.