To the Wind: a cyborg in the Franco madhouse


Keywords: Cyborg, Social Art Practices, Madhouse, Francoism


The use of psychiatry and madhouses as tools for submission during the Franco dictatorship is the center of the artistic project To the Wind (2019) carried out by Toxic Lesbian. From 2007 to now, from different Social Practices in Art, I have developped research-action processes in collaboration with civilian society which represents the problems that are portrayed, artistic and cultural institutions as well as scientific institutions of historic memory. The methodology used by To the Wind is recovery of real testimonies of women who were interned at that time and it delves into the symbolic dimension of their testimony. A gender perspective is essential in the undertaking, describing a model for the country made to measure for Franco submission, and connecting it with today’s mental health activisms that denounce similar physical and symbolic figures of opression. As a conclusion, To the Wind uses science-fiction as art strategy to recover historic memory and the utopia of its rewriting.


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Author Biography

Elena Garcia-Oliveros, Universidad Complutense Madrid

Doctoranda Facultad de Periodismo Universidad Complutense, Madrid


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How to Cite
Garcia-Oliveros, E. (2023). To the Wind: a cyborg in the Franco madhouse . Art and Identity Policies, 28, 83–104.