Myth and violence in Oldboy
The present study proposes an approach to the film Oldboy (올드보이) (Park Chan Wook, 2003). The resemantization of the myth in the film, the cultural landscapes that contaminate the discourse of the film, and the violence as an expression of this resemantization of the myth and the mythopoetic attitudes of the characters involved in the plot are analyzed. Several theoretical models were taken into consideration to analyze the work under study, although, fundamentally, the proposal developed by Zavala to study violence in cinematographic language was followed. Finally, it is concluded that the film is a proposal in which violence is surreal, excessive and tragicomic. It is another piece in which Park Chan Wook intends to show revenge and violence as a futile, destructive and senseless act. The object of desire lost is irreparable through violence, there is no redemption for those who execute it, only the invocation of an irremediable loss of themselves by consummating their acts of blood.
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