Neoliberal necropolitics and narcotrafficking in mexican B-movies: A case study of Oscar López’s El Juego Final (2014)


  • Gabrielle Pannetier Leboeuf Université de Montréal y Sorbonne Université
Keywords: Narco-cinema, narcotraffiking, gore capitalism, necropolitics, Mexico


This article creates a dialogue between the necropolitical practices exercised by the drug dealers in the Mexican narco B-movie El juego final by Oscar López (2014) and the adherence of the characters to the neoliberal dogma through the analytic tools of gore capitalism (Valencia, 2010). It analyses the capitalization of death and violence by the cartels and their transformation in resources that enable the hyperconsumption promoted by narcoculture and by its aesthetics of ostentation. The article also suggests that the participation of the main character to the economy of death for surviving purposes in a precarious labor market is another type of integration of the neoliberal values that is opposed to the exuberant demonstrations of wealth, considering in both cases the use of murder as a cultural paradigm that mediates the relationships between the neoliberal subjects in the informal narco economy. Finally, it puts forward the idea that the videohome narco-cinema industry itself also participates to the gore capitalism that is shown in the plots by converting narcoviolence in a theme for entertainment that attracts the audiences and by displaying said violence with an economy of resources that allows its profitability.


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How to Cite
Pannetier Leboeuf, G. (2022). Neoliberal necropolitics and narcotrafficking in mexican B-movies: A case study of Oscar López’s El Juego Final (2014). Art and Identity Policies, 26(26), 103–120.