Edaphic, social and ceramic defragmentation. Artistic project focused on the design of plates based on the ceramic remains found in the Casabermeja, Antequera and Orce farmland


  • Fernando Luque Cuesta Universidad de Granada
  • Mª Carmen Hidalgo Rodríguez Universidad de Granada
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/reapi.506281
Keywords: pottery, art, industrial agriculture, rural exodus, drawing


The main objective of this study is the creation of an artistic ceramic project that reflects the current situation of the rural world as a consequence of industrial agriculture. Current agricultural and livestock production systems have negative environmental consequences, such as erosion and pollution, and cultural consequences, such as rural exodus or the extinction of indigenous germplasm. Through the study of the rural world in the municipalities of Casabermeja, Antequera and Orce, it has been possible to verify the detriment of these lands and their culture and, at the same time, the remains of ceramic plates found in these lands reflect this reality. The methodology used is theoretical-practical: through scientific references, the destruction of pre-industrial agricultural practices is exposed against industrial agriculture; experimentation with agricultural production techniques, both traditional and modern, show their compatibility; and, finally, artistic research, which recovers ceramic remains from the past to design three plates. The artistic work is proposed as an information and awareness means of a world problem, showing the compatibility between production and biodiversity, Nature as a source of culture, and human society as a dependent part of Nature.


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How to Cite
Luque Cuesta, F., & Hidalgo Rodríguez, M. C. (2021). Edaphic, social and ceramic defragmentation. Artistic project focused on the design of plates based on the ceramic remains found in the Casabermeja, Antequera and Orce farmland. Art and Identity Policies, 25(25), 225–245. https://doi.org/10.6018/reapi.506281